anselm's day

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Much is being written about how the church should deal with gays & lesbians. May those in committed relationships be ordained? Should committed relationships be blessed by the church? Most of my reading/discussion on these questions has centered around the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). A recent letter in The Metro Lutheran (in response to an earlier letter) caught my eye and made me pause:

A letter writer from the May 2005 issue says, "Ordaining a gay or lesbian is an insult to God. Wake Up! The majority of people in the United States don't want changes that will divide their church." I am reminded that well-meaning churchgoers have often said that. It may be black or Hispanic people, it may be women or the disabled. Some always want to treat [some] people as the "other."
It is within the realm of possibility that I am wrong to value and affirm the lives of gay and lesbian people. However, in the end, if God is to tell me I was wrong, I will be able to respond that I loved them. If on the other hand, your letter writer is told by God in the end that she was wrong, she will have to admit, she judged them.

+ pax
