anselm's day

Friday, October 14, 2005


This morning I sent the following quote from Fr. Robert to a friend of mine as an encouragement in his search for God.
If Christian mystery is like a mystery novel, we can seek to
"solve" it through rigorous Sherlock Holmes logic working on
the clues. But ultimate Mystery is thoroughly ineffable, and
we should rejoice in that, like little children amazed by the
immensity of it all. So, as you say, the poets, and also the
mystics, use paradox to push us beyond linear logic into
possible little glimpses of the ineffable. A "luminous darkness"
(John of the Cross), a knowing through "unknowing" a "learned
ignorance" where "God can be taken and held by love but not
by thought" (The Cloud of Unknowing, ch vi).

+ pax
