anselm's day

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Christmas wish

Here, weeks in advance, is my Christmas wish list: I wish we Christians could put down our culture-war swords and doctrinal spears and proclaim a message more befitting the Prince of Peace. I wish we Christians could stand down from our institutional concerns and see the human family for what it is: the wonderfully diverse beloved of God. I wish we Christians could put aside our harsh attitudes toward whatever threatens us and hear the gentle stirring of life. And I wish we Christians could listen as our prophets chastise those who are overly proud of their “righteous deeds,” as they offer “comfort” to exiles, and as they declare God's determination “to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners.” I wish, in other words, that we Christians could allow Christ into Christmas.
Tom Ehrich
+ pax
